
Meet Our Lifeworks Team

At Lifeworks we all play our part in making a difference to young people’s lives. Children and young adults with learning disabilities and their families are at the heart of everything we do. Lifeworks team have a deep understanding of the needs of children and young people with learning disabilities, and the physical obstacles they may encounter in life as well as the emotional challenges including depression, anxiety, and isolation which often begins early in childhood, becoming more pronounced during adolescence, an emotionally turbulent time.


    what our students have to say

  • I knew I wanted to be a chef since my late teens and Lifeworks helped me a lot to get there
  • My teachers were a great help, very supportive
  • Built up great experience to put on my CV
  • Gives you good independent living
  • The focus was always on my 'ability', not my disability
  • I did a work placement at a hairdressers in Plymouth whilst studying
  • Lifeworks taught me that people are capable of so much
  • My hope for the future is to be happy and be good at my job
  • Unmissable for people with learning struggles like myself
  • They fed my beliefs and helped me believe in myself
  • Friendly with a really nice vibe
  • A big lift for my confidence and skills.


“The wide-ranging and diverse curriculum gives students good opportunities to experience new activities and helps them to make choices about their futures.”

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