
Work placements and internships


Learning Disability No Barrier to Work

Our students work hard and have a lot to offer employers during their work placements. We work to create the right match with employers so that everyone gains from the placement taking place.

Achieve Student Aspirations

Each of our students has their own life and work aspirations. At Lifeworks College, we support learners to explore and develop these goals. Progressing towards achieving great working lives now and in the future. We work to understand students aspirations, then assess and advise them on realistic placement options. Once identified we then look for and arrange appropriately supported work placements with local employers.

We support each student with interview and workplace preparation. As well as guidance on what to expect and how to behave when they start – we strive to help them to get off to the best start. The level of support at the place of work will depend on what each individual requires.

Our students gain so much confidence from these long-term work placements. Achieving success, recognition and enjoyment are immediate results but placements also carve the path to our students best futures.

Supported Internship

A work-based study programme for 16-24 year olds with Special Needs and/or Disability (SEND) who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. A supported internship is a work placement with the support of a job coach. employment. Our aim as a College is to prepare our students for life when they graduate from learning with us. A key part of preparing for adulthood is being ready to enter the workplace

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Supported Work Placement

Work placements can also support host employers to have a more diverse workforce. Learning goes both ways and our placements can enrich workplaces and existing employee experiences.


Hairdressing Work Experience

I knew I wanted to be a hairdresser when I was in my late teens and College helped me a lot to get there. When I was at there I did a work placement at a hairdressers in Plymouth. I liked how College helped me with my hairdressing career.

It made me happy that I could get that far. After I left Lifeworks College, I went on to be an apprentice hair stylist.

My teachers were a great help, very supportive and helped me with my work placement. It gave me good experience to put on my CV.

I would say college helps by giving you the right support to get a job. One that makes you happy in the future and gives you good independent living. It will help you have dreams.

Anyone believes that the world is against people with learning disabilities I would challenge that. People are capable of so much more that what people think they can do. As long as they have belief in them from other people and you feed that belief, then they will fly.

My hope for the future is just to be happy and be good at my job. And whatever happens in the future I will go with it.

Featured Employers

Interested in partnering with us to host a work placement or Internship?

We would love to hear from you. Get in touch below.

Our Partners & Accreditations







Trinity Acreditation Logo


Lifeworks-college-accreditation-Careers South-West-logo_Investors-in-Careers_CMYK








    what our students have to say

  • I knew I wanted to be a chef since my late teens and Lifeworks helped me a lot to get there
  • My teachers were a great help, very supportive
  • Built up great experience to put on my CV
  • Gives you good independent living
  • The focus was always on my 'ability', not my disability
  • I did a work placement at a hairdressers in Plymouth whilst studying
  • Lifeworks taught me that people are capable of so much
  • My hope for the future is to be happy and be good at my job
  • Unmissable for people with learning struggles like myself
  • They fed my beliefs and helped me believe in myself
  • Friendly with a really nice vibe
  • A big lift for my confidence and skills.


“The wide-ranging and diverse curriculum gives students good opportunities to experience new activities and helps them to make choices about their futures.”

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