
Sesame Adult Residential Care

Sesame is a warm and welcoming home providing 24-hour residential care and support to adults with autism and moderate learning disabilities. The experienced staff team are passionate in delivering the highest standard of care and have made Sesame feel just like a family.We provide support and opportunities for people at Sesame to increase their independence and have a really great life with us. Everyone at Sesame is encouraged to achieve their goals and aspirations and given support to reach their full potential. All of our work is truly person centred, which means that each person’s care plan is developed with their needs, interests and goals at the forefront. All of our plans are jointly agreed with the people they concern, their families and other supporting agencies.


Residential Care in Torbay

Sesame is situated in a residential area of Torquay, close to shops and on a bus route. Easy accessibility to resources and local social networks. The home has four bedrooms with private facilities, a large communal living room, dining room/conservatory, kitchen, and front garden and rear courtyard. It is designed to be a family home, providing space for varied activities as well as relaxation in a safe and secure environment. 

How We Work

We work with our residents, their relatives and external professionals to develop dignified, person-centred care plans, ensuring that the resident’s voice is at the centre of all we do. The home adopts a relaxed, open, positive, fun and inclusive environment for people to participate in all aspects of life within their home, consulting with them about how Sesame is run to help us constantly improve things using their feedback.

People living at Sesame are involved and included in the running of the home; they help with staff recruitment, choosing environmental changes, engaging in day-to-day living tasks as well as community networking.

Activities are always person led. We support people to engage in outside visits and holidays, providing support for them and their families when away from Sesame. Socialising with and developing friendships with fellow residents is supported and encouraged, enhancing the family vibe.

The staff team are led by an open and transparent management team who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They upskill staff through training, regular catch ups and supervision, promoting a positive and inclusive culture. Staff retention is high, with many staff being longstanding. Staff have described Sesame as “one of the best places to be”,  “It’s like I am just spending the day with family when I am on shift”.

Sesame CQC Reports

Our most recent CQC single framework assessment was published 21st February 2024, detailing our GOOD rating, highlighting the relaxed, warm, and inclusive home. Key observations and findings can be seen in our report(s) by clicking the button below

Skilled Staff

Skilled staff were patient, calm, clear and consistent with people

Sesame adult residential care 1

Supporting People

People were supported to take part in activities that involved them in the local community and enabled them to develop friendships outside of the home

Lifeworks sesame

Person Centred

There was a strong person-centred culture at the service and people received individualised care and support from staff who knew them well

Lifeworks student

Homely Environment

The registered manager was committed to providing high-quality care for people in an environment that was very much people’s home


Securing your place at Sesame

If you are interested in finding out more or would like to arrange a visit please contact us, we will be delighted to assist, or have a chat over tea and cake. Where appropriate when Sesame is at full capacity, we can add you to our waiting list. 

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      what our students have to say

    • I knew I wanted to be a chef since my late teens and Lifeworks helped me a lot to get there
    • My teachers were a great help, very supportive
    • Built up great experience to put on my CV
    • Gives you good independent living
    • The focus was always on my 'ability', not my disability
    • I did a work placement at a hairdressers in Plymouth whilst studying
    • Lifeworks taught me that people are capable of so much
    • My hope for the future is to be happy and be good at my job
    • Unmissable for people with learning struggles like myself
    • They fed my beliefs and helped me believe in myself
    • Friendly with a really nice vibe
    • A big lift for my confidence and skills.


    “The wide-ranging and diverse curriculum gives students good opportunities to experience new activities and helps them to make choices about their futures.”

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